Policy on market speculation
We strongly support the fundamental principle that all investors should be treated equally. We believe we should disclose information about any transactions in which we are involved in a timely manner consistent with the Market Abuse Regulation and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules which are overseen by the UK Listing Authority (UKLA), together referred to as ‘the Rules’. In particular, we are mindful of the requirement to disclose as soon as possible any inside information.
Nevertheless, in common with other listed companies, we receive enquiries about possible transactions including acquisitions or disposals. Experience suggests many enquiries of this kind are prompted by parties with an interest in or motive for promoting speculation or unfounded rumours.
SSE does not comment on enquiries suggesting transactions which could affect our listing on the London Stock Exchange, or involve another listed company, ‘on’ or ‘off’ the record. The consistent application of this policy means no-one making such an enquiry can infer an answer which could be deemed to amount to selective disclosure, which is prohibited by the Rules.
We also don't comment on media or other reports suggesting possible transactions involving acquisitions or disposals. We would only do so if they contained information of substance which required formal disclosure in accordance with the Rules.
Any transactions involving SSE which are entered into are, of course, disclosed in a timely manner in accordance with the Rules. Where we felt we needed to depart from this policy, we would notify the UKLA and the Takeover Panel where appropriate.