Supporting a Just Transition

Change of the scale and nature needed to achieve net zero will impact people – employees, consumers, communities, suppliers, and wider society – in different ways.

This can include both positive and negative impacts, for example: the loss of high-carbon jobs; the creation of new low-carbon jobs; access and use of new technologies; economic opportunities from new investments; and impacts on household energy bills.

Companies such as SSE have a responsibility to shape the transition so that opportunities to create shared value and economic prosperity are realised and potentially negative impacts are minimised.

SSE’s latest Just Transition Strategy was published in 2024. It replaces the Just Transition Strategy 2020, which at the time was a world-first.

To support a just transition, SSE has

A framework of 20 principles to guide our decision-making

  • A set of 10 KPIs that will help us track and evidence progress across job creation, human rights, community investment, and more
  • A commitment to move to a place-based approach, ensuring our work in impacted areas is rooted in local context and communities

Other publications setting out our commitment to a just transition include:

  • A 2021 report focused on moving from principles to action to support workers transition from high to low-carbon careers. It outlines 20 commitments from SSE, 10 recommendations for industry and 10 recommendations for government.
  • A 2023 progress report detailing SSE action on just transition since 2020
  • Our wider suite of sustainability reporting