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SSE welcomes National Infrastructure Assessment

18 Oct 2023

Alistair Phillips-Davies, CEO:

“We welcome the longer-term perspective on infrastructure needs set out in the National Infrastructure Assessment from the National Infrastructure Commission. The Assessment clearly outlines the importance of low carbon infrastructure investment in the coming decade to deliver lower energy bills in the future.

"The assessment’s clear set of recommendations for policymakers and regulators to drive the low carbon investment required to decarbonise the UK’s energy system, ensure it is resilient to the impacts of climate change, and protect against the economic impact of future energy crises.

"Taking a strategic and coordinated approach to the enabling infrastructure needed to deploy the key low carbon technologies we know we need, in the places we know we need them, will ensure the UK’s infrastructure is not only fit for the future, but will best secure the economic opportunities that will come with the scale of the investment needed Picking up the pace to deliver significant volumes of low carbon flexible power generation will be fundamental to the achieving an orderly transition to net zero. At least 7-9GW of carbon capture power stations will be needed by 2030 to underpin a renewables-led system, and UK Government can help deliver this by setting out a clear ambition and investment framework as recommended in the NIA.

"SSE is committed to deliver on the ambitions set out in the National Infrastructure Assessment, and is planning to invest up to £40bn in net zero infrastructure over the next decade to deliver a clean, homegrown energy system, creating 1,000 jobs a year.